A one-to-one service provided to children ages 3 to adult, in the comfort of their own home & community, to assist them with daily living skills (ADL). Our providers are loving, caring and well trained at helping developmentally delayed children achieve independence and be a part of the community.
Our Community Habilitation program provides individuals with developmental disabilities a community habilitation specialists in their home and community to assist with accomplishing our participants' goals. Our ComHab providers help our participants learn new skills in regard to communication, socialization and everyday living skills. Our providers strive to help our participants become independent by creating opportunities for skill building in the home and community. Shema Kolainu participates in Home Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Program, providing ComHab services through the waiver. This program is Medicaid-funded and operates under OPWDD.
Although a person can be authorized for the service regardless of where he/she lives, the service cannot take place in a certified location.
What does ComHab support include?
Adaptive skill development, community inclusion and relationship building, development of social skills, travel training, money management, leisure skills. appropriate behavior development
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